On July 28, 2022, it was standing room only at the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate WashU Neurosurgery’s big move into the 8th floor of the Mid Campus Center building.
Staff members from satellite clinics gathered in the beautiful office space and listened to Chair Gregory J. Zipfel, MD, give a “State of the Department” update.
Like all healthcare workers, WashU Neurosurgery employees have faced unprecedented burdens during the past three years. Staffers from all departments were thanked for their tireless efforts to constantly provide compassionate care to all our patients. One person in particular, Veronica “Ronnie” Keck, was awarded the “Making a Difference” Employee of the Year Award for being an amazing team leader for the pre-certification/surgery scheduling team.
This is another exciting chapter in the long and storied history of the WashU Neurosurgery department.